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Lets see...last week we left it open. Talk about anything health and fitness related.
We have been out of town so much and when we are home the
weather is so bad I cant get out of my house in the mornings with all the snow. . .
So I have been doing kinda bad going to the gym . . .
I decided rather than feeling bad about myself I am going to learn to exercise in more creative ways.
When I travel home to see family I will run outside. I don't know why I don't....I love to run and
I love it even more outdoors. AND Logandale weather is so nice in the winter you can actually go outside:)
ALSO when the weather is so bad that I feel literally terrified to drive to the gym I will start doing my at home videos better. Also my in laws live 50yards away and gave me an open invitation to use their at home gym and treadmill when ever I want. I feel like that's a pretty sweet deal and I need to take advantage.
There is never an excuse. . . If you want to be fit and healthy...YOU WILL BE.
When you have enough desire and start putting your health first it will happen.
That's all you can do. Don't get down on yourself. That will only make things worse.
Just do better tomorrow!
-Because I hate to drive in the snow and the morning is the only opportunity I get to go to the gym... I have turned into more of an at home work out girl for the winter time. I feel like you can really get in a routine this way leading to muscle memory. Your body needs to be surprised in your work outs to see results. If you are doing your work outs at home the videos are great but don't do the same one everyday. Mix it up, get online and find a new routine, I also found out Netflix carries workout videos!!! How awesome is that!!! You can also go to our loved site pinterest and type in health/fitness/exercise anything similar into the search bar and you will get a ton of options to help you out.
Each week that we have challenges I try to do the new one+all the previous ones. This week I did so good on drinking my water! I am also sick so that may have helped me with ambition to stay hydrated, but I didn't stop at 8... I was drinking close to 10 glasses of water a day and it felt great. :)
I also am doing so well on no soda. Giving up my diet coke will be one of the hardest things I ever do. Does that sound so dumb??? haha If I REALLY wanted to I would just do it. but for me it is a process..
Hope your Holidays are going good! Remember to not eat to many sweets!!
Next week: See how many push ups you can do at once. Try at the beginning of the week and work all week on it...see if you can up your number any??
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