-How does my garden grow?
-Like this!!
We got our first cucumber.
YAY its so exciting:)
Also we picked our first carrots.
They were DELICIOUS!!!
I wish we could eat garden fresh carrots all year round!! :)
We had gardens growing up, but I never really
wanted to "work" in them.
However I have found that I may just have a
green thumb.
There is nothing like planting something and watching it
Then EATING IT!! haha
Jayson and I love to work in it together. We have some of our best conversations
while pulling
Not to mention the yummy foods we are getting.
Fresh salsa weekly
Zucchini bread/cake/brownies
We have so much Zucchini I need to start
researching some recipes to use it for.
..and tomatoes, anyone want any?
-I know gardening will be a part of our life forever.