Monday, August 6, 2012

Tell Me Tuesday #56 .... a link party

Doing this post I almost pulled all my hair out...
 I couldn't get my Linky tools to work and
I don't think my button codes are working.

Can you please comment or e-mail me if 
my Tell me Tuesday button is not working for you.
 Or if you are having a hard time linking up.
 So I know if it is my computer
or my codes.


To Tell me Tuesday! 
Thanks to those who linked up last week:)

MY 5 STAR LINK UPS are.....

DIY personalized face plates

Well, lets just say it..
this is the cutest and funniest thing EVER! 
haha I want to make some when Ty gets 
big enough to actually laugh 
over it! 

Do all these make you super hungry??
They do me!! 
Check out the links. 

The laundry room is AMAZING!!  
Love the country feel. 

and these little cuties with their new 
pet melted my heart!! 

 If you were featured and want one of these bad boys
They are on the sidebar!! 

K now I want to see what YOU all have been up too?


anything goes... as long as its yours.

Remember you must follow along with
Me and my boys to join the party

37 weeks....and our weekend

Mrs. Monologues

Baby's size: 
 6 pounds and is more than 18 1/2 inches long ISH
(according to baby center)

How far along: 
 37 weeks

 Love sleeping! 
IF I can that is.

Maternity Clothes: 

Food cravings: 
FRUIT smoothies, PB&J sandwiches 
and STEAK (weird)

Symptoms I have: 

Doctor’s Appointment:
  Just went to every week!

 Lots of kicks and turns.

Belly Button: 
 Doesn't exist anymore.
 sweet baby girl

Best moment of the week: 

What I’m looking forward to: 
Getting her here. 
Our first family picture at the hospital with my two beautiful children 
and sexy hubby!

This weekend....

Remember the last time we did sidewalk paint?
Post and Recipe here.

The boys love it so much we wanted to try it out again.

They still love splashing each other and making messes. 

The summer wouldn't be complete with out otterpops!! 

Ty came and got it ALL over me!!! 
I couldn't even be mad it was so cute 
and he was having so much fun. 

Our hands were blue for two days...
But it eventually came out.

linking HERE  HERE