Monday, June 27, 2011

Tell me Tuesday #2

Welcome back to the 2nd tell me Tuesday!
I want you to TELL ME what you have been working on!!
Lets see your latest and greatest projects!:)
all link ups are welcome, just link up to your blog post/rather than your main page. 

The following Tuesday there will always be features.
So be sure to come back and check them out.

To party please follow Me and my boys.
and grab the party button!!
 O and HAVE fun! 

featuring some lovely ladies and their blogs

Just want to say thank you to all the lovely ladies who entered last weeks linky party.
You all ROCK! 

I wanted to share with you some of their awesomeness.
my mommy 
Yes, that is my mom! she is um amazing to say the least/
I would like to tell her all the things she is good at but It would make
for a very long post.
Rather than that I will just say she is the best mom ever and I love her
dearly. Thanks for all your support in my crazy adventures!

When my brother got married I not only gained an AMAZING
sister in law, but a whole new addition to our family. This is my sister in laws sister!
hehe and I feel like she might as well be family too.
She is an amazing photographer and a cute blogger!
Her and her hubby have 5 precious puppies that they love as children.
<3 her.

What can I say about Lauren :)
Her and her hubby are AMAZING gardeners. They could grow anything.
Then they can it all!! She also takes photos and rocks at it.
But her mad skill is Blog designing.
She is actually the one who got me into blogging!

  These sister in Laws are all things creating and crafting.
 Amazing paper crafts/sewing/jewelry/recipes!
They are fully of creativity and sweetness:)
 Their blog title came from their two little girls names
 who they say both inspire them everyday.
sweetness huh!
  Whitney is a doll, and a lover of all things yellow.
She has a cute etsy shop where she sells lots of fun jewelry.
She is almost always having a giveaway going on and could make about anything I'm sure.
and she has a DARLING baby boy named Maddox.
Look at that smile, doesn't it make you want to smile too?!
Never met Andee but have enjoyed getting to know her through blog land. 
I'm sure she is just like sunshine to be around. 
She  cooks/sews and has a down to earth blog that is refreshing to read!

thanks again to these ladies! you all rock:)

Help a momma out

Today I am participating in 

Its a fun link party where moms get to share advice/funny stories...
anything mother related I suppose!
anywho I pondered awhile to think of something to share. 
I am a first time momma so I struggled on what anyone could want to hear from me.

But we went down to my parents place in Logandale this weekend
and I had my sista take some family shots of my cute little fam.
We didn't do anything huge or time consuming,
however we got er done and here is the advice I came up with.
while taking photos...not everyone is going to look their best in every shot. 
so just smile and get your hubby and the baby through the process as 
quick as possible.
and while you may get some really silly ones in the mix...

 your also going to get some darling ones as well...

Here is our family shot, and my MOST FAVORITE picture of Ty. 

So there is my first piece of advice....
Its hard to get good family/baby pictures....
but it will always work out!!!!

Tyger man update


Ty is so fun to feed!
He loves all of his baby food!!! 

He is getting so big:)
yesterday he sat up all by himself for the very first time!

also today we go to the doctor for a check up...
so I cant wait to see how tall he is and his weight gain!!