Monday, May 20, 2013

Tell me Tuesday

Thank you all so much for understanding and being so kind about me skipping out on Tell me Tuesday last week. Sometimes life happens and things are way more important than your blog. 

I did go back and look at your fun links. 
Here are my favorite from last week.

Want to meet our Guest host this week?!

Leslie from Violet Imperfection

 If you were featured and would like a button
they are on the sidebar!!

Make sure to check out
Lil Mrs. Tori
to see if you were featured there!

thank you

I have been thinking about writing this post for a few days. The truth is I have wrote many versions tonight. Some sharing everything and pouring out my heart. Some sharing very little and leaving many questions. The truth is I am feeling scared, paranoid and mad. I am the type of person that can start to feel at peace with an emotional situation but when someone brings it up breaks down all over again. So typing out a post explaining our situation is emotionally draining. However I have so many people asking what happened and truly concerned about us. I just want to let you know we are healthy. We are safe and we are trying to be happy. I have been feeling much better the last few days. We have made some major changes. No physical harm was done to us. I just feel a little shook up by the whole experience. I feel like I share a lot on my little blog. I open up about so much but sometimes somethings are best left to yourself and family. So that's how this will be today but thank you for all the emails and comments. Thank you for caring about my family. We have truly felt the love. 
