Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Some adventures!

Jayson, Ty and I just in our backyard enjoying whats left of the summer sun!

This is the close up I get every time he crawls all over me!!

This is me pretending I'm a photographer.....Also just in our back yard!
Seriously funny faces we have here!

still producing tons.however they look like they are going to start dying out :(
Heather, Jordan, Ty and I at Discovery Park waiting for Jess to get out of school!

The girls had a little lunch:)
The sun was totally in my eyes...

Ty's NEW TOY!!!
he looks so darling in it and has a blast pushing it around!!! 

 Heather came over and did my hair!!! and I LOVE IT!


  1. that is one cute kid!

  2. You are such a cute momma! Your little guy is pretty handsome as well!

  3. You have such a nice backyard! SUPER jealous! We're trying to grow grass as we speak! :)

  4. Oh I remember when that yard was a heap of weeds full of rodents and bugs! It was quite the project, but so worth it!! That lawn turned out SO nice!! Glad to see you are enjoying that back yard as much as we did. Now if i-15 wasn't so dang noisy.

    Lovely pictures by the way! The sky there is so gorgeous! You make that shed look good!

    Wish I could be there waiting for Jess too =(

  5. You are so hot! I love all your new posts. Sorry I'm a terrible blog reader. :P


thanks for putting a smile on my face today with your comment:)