Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tell Me Tuesday

Hey there. Sorry for my absence last week. I don't need to tell any of you that life happens. 
Sometimes its OK, well in my mind its always OK for life to come before your blog. 
Friends, family and in last weeks case babies. My babies came before Tell me Tuesday. 
One needed some extra snuggles and mommy love. I was not prepared with a scheduled post. 
The though crossed my mind...
"O my goodness...I FORGOT TELL ME TUESDAY"
It was close to midnight and I could have sat my baby down and pounded it out on the 
computer. Instead I held on tight and thought... This is where I need to be:) 

So thank you for coming back and still being a part of the party. 

Last weeks Features:

If you were featured and would like a button

they are on the sidebar!!

Make sure to check out

to see if you were featured there!


  1. Hi Ashley! I really appreciate you sharing my PB Pretzel Granola Bars with your readers. Also, I think you made the right decision in hanging out with your kiddos!
    Beth @ The First Year Blog

  2. Thanks so much for hosting another terrific link party Ashley!

  3. Thanks for hosting!


thanks for putting a smile on my face today with your comment:)