Friday, March 22, 2013

You see us strollin

Are you a mother with more than one kid??? I highly recommend a double stroller. I didn't know if I wanted one...I kept going back and forth/they are just so much money. I kept saying "no, no its no a necessity". Well I could not be any happier. I LOVE being outside as do the it has been a dream. Totally worth every penny. I actually got this baby on an online yard-sale. Its in great condition (a little heavy) but great!
I love Utah mountains. So big and beautiful. Right now is my favorite time of year here in Cedar. The mountains still have a little snow on them but its nice and warm. (I love snow--to look at, just not when I am cold) haha.
Thank goodness for twin baby sisters. Heather called me and our conversation went something like this...

Me "Hello!"
Heather "Hey, guess what?"
Me "WHAT!"
Heather " I am coming to your house and we are taking the kids out for a walk and to the park."
Me "YAY!!!!!!" 
Heather "be there in five minutes"
Me "OKAY!!!!! love you Bye:)" 
Heather "Love you bye" 

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