I love the view from the Whetmas property! Jays and I have a family picture just like this from last 4th of July...except Ty was in my tummy. I love this shot too Ty is so smiley:)
Excuse all the flower/random shots...I definitely know I'm no photographer but they looked so pretty! I love wild flowers. They were everywhere too. I especially loved the little baby purple ones.

This years 4th was great! We packed up and went to the mountain with the Whetmans. As soon as we got there Jays set up the grill and we had hot dogs and steak. I made fruit kabobs that were red white and blue! SO FUN!! I was extremely pumped for them! We forgot Tys chair so we had to hold him the entire time-good thing he is cute!! We roasted delicious hot smoes..errr smores! I don't think you can go camping with out smores!! We shot around with the BB gun a bit and basically enjoyed the fabulous weather!
When we got home I snapped a couple pictures of Ty playing in the grass-(his favorite)...He loves to run his hands through it and pull it out! Then stares at it in amazement. He loves new textures. Hope you had a GREAT 4th!