Mom did the tree so fun this year! It starts with a cowboy hat on top. Then goes down with some burlap and country ornaments and ends with a pair of dads cowboy boots!!! Everyone loved it!! Including the babies....and the ornaments were not breakable...YAY!!
All the gifts Christmas morning:)
It use to be tradition every year all the girls got porcelain we get willows:)
My family all got some PACKERS shirts. Jayson was thrilled! He said we can wear them this SUPER BOWL!!!
Heather got me some of my favorite movies and I made her a frame for her room!
Mom made me that cork board!!! and Jayson helped Ty open some of his gifts!
Mom got a stud finder.....she pointed to dad for the picture!!! (him being her stud in all!)
Jayson got the new Glen Beck book he has been wanting!
Heather and I both got a new set of scriptures...Mine say Ashley Whetman on them!! The quilt mom made me...It is SOOOO beautiful!!! I will soon be doing a whole post just on it!! I LOVE IT
Needless to say we all got some pretty fun stuff!!

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas! Thanks everyone who made ours great!