Friday, February 8, 2013

What he wears

Sometimes when Ty walks out of his room it kills me to see what outfit choices he has made. I  thought it was a little young for him to start dressing himself....but he loves to get dressed/undressed and pick out his own clothes. So rather than fight him or crush his spirits by making him change, I just smile and tell him how adorable he is!!!
I had to snap as many pictures as I could while he would still let me...
 Guess we are all done...


  1. What a nut! Did mom make the blanket on the back of your couch?? Love!

  2. hahaha!! that is so cute!! here's hoping there were no accidents :)

  3. He is SO cute!!! Love his outfit! ;))

  4. I love the outfits that kids come up with. He looks adorable.
    Angie G.


thanks for putting a smile on my face today with your comment:)