Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Polly doll

Ember will be four months old come Christmas time. What do you get a four month old?
I thought it would be special to make her very first doll.
This is Polly. 
I knew she needed a name. 
The whole time making her I thought I would never think of it. 
As soon as we made the last stitch...Polly came to mind.
I think she is pretty perfect. 
I used a pattern in one of my favorite books 

Handmade gifts are the best. 
I hope Ember will love her as she gets old enough to play with her. 
and hopefully she is durable enough for a toddler someday.

However I do see many more of these to be made for my baby girl in the near future! 

Merry Christmas Ember
I love you

Monday, December 17, 2012


I haven't wrote about the tragedy you and I are both trying to cope with. Not because I don't care. I simply have no words, just tears. I try to write something, but nothing comes out right. No words can describe the hurt and love I feel for these children. My thoughts are constantly on their families.

 I saw this picture on Living in yellow.
I will also be showing my support for the
Sandy Hook families. 

I will be apart of the SILENCE and not blog tomorrow. 

The hope of the silence is to 
remember the families and keep them in our thoughts.
 remember the lives cut short.
celebrate the gift of life.  

To offer something more than silence, check out this site 
for a way to brighten the life for a child of Sandy Hook Elementary

I can't help but think about how short our life here on earth is. 
How fragile. 
 I want to remember to hold on to every moment.  

every moment.

Felt Dino mat

This year I have made EVERY gift. I can't show you all yet, most people I made them for read my blog and would get the surprise ruined. So ill show you my little nephews present today...pretty sure they don't check out my blog hehe..!!

I really pondered on what to make my four adorable nephews for Christmas. I wanted something they would play with a lot and hopefully enjoy. I thought about a car mat...but decided I was sick of making them....
(here and here) but I had so much felt laying around I thought a dinosaur mat would be cool..
 ( hopefully little boys do to)

It was a lot of fun to make. This was my inspiration.  I thought the valcanos were an awesome idea. Everything on here is made with felt and put on with hot glue. LOTS and LOTS of hot glue!!

The green mat is one yard
 Red boarder is 3 inch strips folded in half over the edges
Everything else was cut out free hand 

If you make one... don't think about it to hard...
im pretty sure real mountains, lakes and grass don't 
have perfectly straight lines.

I wanted to make sure they had some fun dinos to play with on the mat...otherwise im sure it would not be fun at all.

Walmart had a ton of dinos to choose from. The first ones I ran into were around 15 bucks a piece. They were sooooo cute and I wanted to buy four or five of them, but that was not going to happen....So I kept looking and ran into a bag full of  about fifteen for THREE dollars. They are smaller and not as cute, but I think they will still have fun playing with them!!

I opened up the dinos for the sake of taking pictures of it. While in the process Ty was LOVING it...So it gave me hope the boys will too!!

Im so excited to wrap it up and watch them open it!!! Hope it gets lots and lots of use. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

3 years love

3 years ago..
I did my hair, put on my dress and took a deep breath.
 I was about to start my forever.

Jayson and I said "YES!" 
in the St. George Utah Temple
December 11, 2009

It was a day full of family, friends 
and love.

lots and lots of kisses

Jayson and I didn't date long.
Not even a month, before we got engaged. 

I knew Jayson was the one for me after our second date. 
He was funny, kind, sweet, smart
and had shoulder muscles that made me weak.

He was easy to talk to..
We sat in front of the ice cream shop
on that second date.
Eating our ice cream and flirting. 
With no idea at all I looked at my phone and
realized it was past 3am. 
 We were dating semi long distance
so I had over an hours drive home. 
On the way I smiled and sang and cried. 
I knew he was the one I would spend my forever with.
The one I would share my life with. 
The one who would take me to Applebees

Three years later 

I think the third year has been our best.
We are more comfortable with each other than ever.
We know all our strengths and weaknesses. 
We know how to make each other laugh and cry.
 We are sillier than ever. 
Tease and even flirt more. 

I often still feel like I have a crush on my husband. 
He makes me giddy and excited. 
Like I want  to doodle our names on paper outlined in hearts. 

Jayson knows my heart.
and he loves me
I will always love him.

My little Binki babies.

These two are my world. That is no secrete. They are what I fill my day with.
Diapers. nursing. snack time. play time. snuggles. 
wiping noses, tears, bums.
playing cars. pickaboo
baby talk.

Here are a few of my favorite things about my little ones. . . . 

By the morning time rolls around I wake up to Ty
...who has made his way into our bed. . .
 and I'm not the mommy who can kick him out.   

Ty is totally a co-sleeper. 
He falls asleep every night to either Jayson or mines
touch. Either we rock him to sleep, lay with him in his bed
or sit to the side holding his hand.
He falls asleep and I slowly and quietly make my way out of his room. 
As soon as he wakes up (usually three or four in the morning)
he makes his way into our bed. 

Ty is so much like me. So tender and sensitive to all things. 
He loves to snuggle. 
As soon as I pull his little body into our bed he wraps his 
arms around my neck and presses his face up against mine. 

My heart melts.
 and although I am usually uncomfortable
the peace that fills my heart sooths me to sleep.

 Now miss Ember. . .
I can't even begin to explain how sweet she is. 
She has this smile that makes everyone stop and stare.
 and a laugh that is so happy and excited. 

I know in my heart that she knows she is loved.
As soon as our eyes meet she smiles so big. 
She knows I am her mommy and 
she knows that I love her. 


Monday, December 10, 2012



thanks for linking up last week!! 
I loved so many and cant wait to show you my favorite. 
ALSO if you want to guest host
e-mail me

The freaking CUTEST Christmas socks EVER!!!! 
I LOVE them so much.
I want them and need them:)

 Advent Calendar by The DIY dreamer 
My first Nativity by Hey mommy, chocolate milk  
New sew tree skirt by The DIY dreamer  

 Candy Cane Muddy Buddies by Whats cooking love?
Christmas gift wrap by Meeha Meeha

DIY Ottoman by Domestic Superhero
The time I fell asleep on a date by Northern Belle Diaries
Homemade Chili by This Silly Girls Life

If you were featured and would like a button
they are on the sidebar!!

Make sure to check out 
Lil Mrs. Tori
Dawn's Disaster 
to see if you were featured there!

Link up here!

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Thursday, December 6, 2012

The stockings are hung

This year I wanted to make our socks. I have pinned about a million ideas to my Christmas pinboard, but fell in love with the elf style. I used this tutorial HERE. It worked great for me and I consider myself a very beginner sewer.
O this is just me pretending like I know how to use my fancy camera....That I totally don't know how to use. But I like the way this turned out. I think the socks look nice with the candy canes on the tree.
The material is flannel. It worked good!
After I finished they were hanging funny on the couldn't really see the "elf look" so I stuck batting in the toes!! 
P.s I totally forgot to add the tag on them so you can hang them...opps, so I used a pushpin to stick them to the wall....

Totally fell in love with them and am proud to have homemade items around the house this year. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


 well actually currently we are up to so much fun. I absolutely love this time of year. If you follow my instagram @ashleywhetman then you know we are makin all sorts of Christmas crafts and presents. 
Yesterday was rough. All in one day Ty didn't take a nap, had pulled our Christmas tree over-resulting in almost ALL the ornimants to fall off...pulled down my curtains, spilled a gallon of milk and ruined one of the Christmas projects I had been working on. 

A little rough...but after everthing he did its to hard to get mad at that face.
I find myself SO MAD to where I don't know how to handle it. Then he looks at me with his sweet 
-im so sorry mommy face-
and my heart melts. 

We made salt dough ornaments. and o boy did Ty LOVE it. After we were done he played with the left over dough for a good hour. I gave him some cookie cutters and a spatula and he was having so much fun....!!! I cant wait to hang them up and get to look at how cute they are on our tree.

Getting to spend so much time together. I took a small blog break and really regathered some thoughts on why I do it and why it makes me happy.

Were also loving 

Our tree
gingerbread candles 
hot chocolate 
footie pajamas


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tell me Tuesday - LINK UP

Hey ALL!! 
I'm so glad you are here:)
thanks for linking up last week!! 
I loved so many and cant wait to show you my favorite. 
ALSO if you want to guest host
e-mail me 
First a little Christmas spirit

  If you were featured and would like a button
they are on the sidebar!!

Make sure to check out 
Lil Mrs. Tori
to see if you were featured there!

Link up here!

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Monday, December 3, 2012

Tys 2nd birthday

Ty's been saying "TWWWO" all week long. He knows he is two years old!! Don't worry if you ask him he will tell you!! Neither of our families could be here on his actual birthday..except my baby sister Heather, or as Ty would call her "Haaaya" and my cousins Betsy and Derek!! So we just had a nice dinner, a little cake and ice cream and a few presents.

O man were the presents a hit!!
Seriously the dollar store rocks. We picked this huge crayon up there and he couldn't be happier.
......Or so I thought. His foam sword has not been out of his hands all day. He LOVES it!

Those were his store bought items, but mama had to make him something. Jayson and I thought it would be cute for Ty to have a superhero cape. We like batman so we thought me might. I didn't even have to go to the store all the material I had on hand!!

I got the tutorial for the cape HERE, it was fun and easy enough to make!!

...My heart almost broke because when Ty opened it, he really wanted nothing to do with it. Then when I tried to put it on him he ripped it off.

Sad face.

This is why I fall in love with Jayson more everyday.
...Ty didn't think it was Jays slipped it all on to show him how it works....Except the belt was a tad to small so Jays made it a hat! ahaha
All the sudden the cape was the coolest thing ever.
Especially when Dad made Ty fly in the air.
and he could run really fast.
Then he LOVED it!!

o and the cake...he blew it out himself!!!!

the next day....he wanted the cape on first thing!

 ...great success.