Thursday, August 1, 2013


July was good to us. We spent half the month with my parents and half the month settling down in our new apartment. I miss everyone but I have to say I love our place. Jayson doesn't start school for two more weeks so everyday has been like a Saturday around here. We wake up and bake pancakes a lot. Now that we are ZOO members we tend to visit there often. (pictures coming!!)

A few other things we are up to...

-I can't count how many PB&Js I have made Ty this month. 
Or how many times I have woken up with his feet in my face. 

-Making plans and presents for Embers birthday! 

-Trying to decorate and make our house a home. 

-Making a wish list for my birthday! Ugh  25....Is it weird that I feel old.??

-Spending every precious moment with Jayson before he starts med school and I never see him:(

-Sleeping in if the kids will let us. 

-Staying up late and watching 24

-Paying LOTS of bills.

-Getting motivated to lose weight. 

-Feeding Ember more table food. 

-Thinking about my family and how they are doing. Especially Missy and her cute prego belly! 


  1. You guys have definitely had one heck of a July, but I'm glad it's been packed full of so much fun and that you're settling in nicely in your new place. x

  2. I miss you so very very much!! I can't wait to come to DENVER to SEE you all!!!
    Love you to the MOON!!!!!

  3. I miss you so very very much!! I can't wait to come to DENVER to SEE you all!! I love you to the MOON and BACK!!! XOXOXOXOXOX


thanks for putting a smile on my face today with your comment:)