Yay, I am Co-hosting this fun link-up. I am excited because
A. I love BLOGLOVIN. I honestly don't know why it took me this long to use it.
B. I la la la love the two hosts and their sweet blogs.
C. I also love getting to know new bloggers and new sites to stalk while I cant sleep.
*I'm not really a stalker...just sayin, but maybe a little...
Here's the deal. This is a blog hop that will be happening on the 3rd Friday of each month for the forseeable future. A Dose of Paige and My Beautiful Crazy Life will be your permanent hosts and we will be having four cohosts each month.
Last month, we had 163 link ups which is amazing for the first month! Thank you so much for linking up and spreading the word! I know I read a ton of new blogs through bloglovin' and had a blast!
Want to cohost? Email one of us!
Here are the rules:
1. Link up your Bloglovin' URL ONLY.
2. Follow your hosts and cohosts
3. Go find and follow some other blogs via Bloglovin'
4. Share, share, share!!
And of course, here's a button to grab to use on your own blogs to spread the word!

Have you met this amazing blogger?
Thanks for co-hosting, have a happy weekend!
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·`¤... Jennifer
Jenn's Random Scraps