Monday, January 28, 2013

Tell me Tuesday -LINK UP!-

Last week was wonderful. We hit over 100 LINK UPS!!!  Thank you all SO much who participated. It truly means a lot to see our little linky grow!! 

Do you have a blog....A favorite blog?? The one that as soon as you see they have a new post your heart flutters in excitement??!! That is how I feel about Lucy and her beautiful blog at dear beautiful.

Um ok, this picture could not be any cuter!! I LOVE IT
and those cookies look pretty yummy as well

mouth watering deliciousness right here....

Thanks Leslie...I will TOTALLY be making one of these SOON
for my Lil Miss. 

Valentines is SO close...and I think I may surprise my sweetie with something this sweet!

 If you were featured and would like a button
they are on the sidebar!!

Make sure to check out 
Lil Mrs. Tori
to see if you were featured there!

Link up here!

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Pioneer Woman lasagna

The Pioneer Woman has met our house again.
This time while I was visiting my family back home we decided to whip our lasagna up together. Ember was such a big help. . . ---She was only up there for the picture!!---
We decided to make them at like 7 at night. So we wrapped them up to freeze and eat another day.
Mom and Dad could never eat theirs alone and neither could Jayson and I. So mom and Dad will invite grandma and grandpa over and Jayson and I will go to Heathers and share with her Betsy and Derek!!! 
 We served it up with garlic bread, salad and corn. Ty and I LOVED IT!!!
Heather and Betsy also gave it n A+.....Jays and Derek didn't get in any pictures but they went back for seconds ;)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

5 months baby girl

Ember is 5 months now.
She is so curious about everything.
Always reaching for objects. 
Staring at new faces and places. 
She is actually a bit camera shy.
She is all smiles every moment of the day....
then I put the camera in her face and she gets serious and curious.
She doesn't know what it is 
so she stares fascinated by it. 
She has perfected her rolling skills. 
back to belly 
belly to back 
with no problem
Loves baths 
Loves eye contact
Loves being sang to
GREAT napper
Ok sleeper through the night
great eater
I haven't started Ember on cereal yet. 
I know the normal is around 4-6 months.
I keep putting it off....thinking she is too small.
But I think we will start in the next week or so. 
She is ready. 
Watches some baby einstein.
LOVES snuggles by daddy mommy and ty
Already has a funny personality.
and the cutest chubby rolls 
I have ever seen.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

TEll me Tuesday. LINK UP

Thanks for being here to link up to 
Tell Me Tuesday!
I loved so many links from last week..
Here are my favorite...
but don't forget to check out Tori's features..
you will find them HERE 
and our guest hosts

 If you were featured and would like a button
they are on the sidebar!!

Make sure to check out 
Lil Mrs. Tori
to see if you were featured there!
Tuesday 1/22

Link up here!

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Pioneer Woman Me

A while ago I mentioned Jayson got into the pharmacy program in Colorado...Yup looks like were moving to Denver. I am so beyond excited for this new adventure for our family. We will be living there for at least four years, most likely five or six. 

With that being said, its still OK for me to be really sad too right?
My family and I are very close.
My mother, two sisters and sister in law...I don't even know how to describe them other than saying they are angels. Besides Jayson they are my best friends.

We tend to get together a lot for craft days...sewing days.
When I start to think about missing out on these memories I get rather sad. 
Picturing them gathered around laughing and giggling with out me...I feel so left out. 
Don't get me wrong, I am so happy to be moving and want them to continue to do these things even with out me...Just the thought makes me sad from time to time...

Now with that being said my wonderful sister Lauren thought of an idea.
We are all in love with the Pioneer Woman... 
So once a week we will all be taking the same recipe...making it...taking lots of pictures...then of course blogging about it. 

Yay, I wont be left out. A simple fun way to stay connected. 
My family rocks right. 

We decided this week to start off we would make meatballs.
I hate touching raw meat. Seriously I gagged during this whole process. 
(but I knew the end result would be worth it)
This step was a little fun. The meatballs looked like snowballs. Ty wanted to eat them like this. I had to convince them they were ewwie and we needed to wait for them to cook.
This step...I was glad I had a apron on and stood back.
Drizzled the sauce on and ready to put in the oven.
Both kids stayed busy while I cooked, Ty played in the sink with soap and water..and Ember slept.
Pioneer woman suggests to put it with noodles, so I did just that...added some toast and corn and we were set!

Even my picky eater loved it. Just not me snapping pictures in his face.
I was all excited and telling Jays about how we will be doing this once a week....
he smiled...and said "how about every day?!"
I think he loved it! 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

hop scotch DIY

I got this lovely idea from the fabulous A girl and a glue gun blog.
Pretty fantastic right!!???
My niece LOVES hop scotch. So this little beauty is what I made her for Christmas! It was so easy and way fun to make. As soon as the kids went to bed I whipped up the front. (the hop scotch part). 
The red felt is just over two yards long
 The number sheets are the pre-cut felt pages
 The actual numbers I traced out of white felt I had by the yard
The dots are just extra felt I had laying around
All hot glued on
 The back has tic-tac-toe on it!! So fun.
The Pieces are 3" by 3" squares of felt 
with the X's and O's sewn on
The white grid is hot glued on
 Jayson and I played a few games just for fun!
I also put a matching game on the back side. I use to love these kind of games so I hope Allie does as well.
Everything is hot glued on here as well. 
The only bad part about the matching game is its hot glued down so after they play it a dozen times they will have it all memorized and wont be as fun any time I would probably just give them the pieces separate so they can shuffle them after each game.
I think Ty is going to miss it, but its in good hands. When he is big enough to play with one ill make him one as well!!