Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Cloud Dough

It was a very hot day today. Kylee and I thought the boys still needed to play...We were just NOT in the mood to sit out in the sun and bake.

Cloud dough it was. We found the tutorial on pinteres from Sweet Happy Life.

They were entertained for a good hour with it.

We made ours a little more oily so it was not as messy... I think the more flour you add the 
more sandy consistency you will get.

4 cups flour
1/2 cup baby oil

We put the dough in deep cake pan dishes.
Made for a very little mess to clean up.

Yup, definitely will be doing this again!

and again...


  1. i love this idea! totally gonna do it tomorrow with casen! ty is adorable!

  2. Ashley- You are the cutest little mamma! You are always doing such cute little things with cute Ty. You sure grew up into such a wonderful and beautiful woman!

  3. This looks so fun. I've been wanting to try cloud dough, maybe this week.


thanks for putting a smile on my face today with your comment:)