Do you know how every mother thinks her kids are the cutest things in the world.. Pretty sure mine really are hehe.
Ty and Ember both are doing so well.
Ty is learning so much so fast. It almost scares me. We have conversations all day and even though they are about tractors and dirt or Thomas the train, I still love them. He is also starting to share and listen really well. He is so in love with his baby sister it melts my heart. He is always expressing love for others. Hugs and kisses are all day long in our home.
Ember is walking just about as fast as we are now. She can keep up when we are out and about with out a stroller. Her hair is curly and adorable. She has a little diva temper that can strike at any minute but is usually sweet as can be. She loves giving kisses and saying "Hi!" Her favorite things in life are still her caterpillar softies and chicken nuggets.
I am so thankful for these two. For the opportunity I have to be a mother and the trust God has put in me to raise two precious spirits. They make me want to do better and be better every day.
I am so thankful for Jayson. Words will never be able to express the love in my heart for him.. I am so thankful to know that I can be with him forever.
I am thankful for my Mom and Dad. How they put up with me growing up is beyond me. I hope someday my children love me as much as I love them.
My Brother, Sisters and In-laws are so wonderful. I love having friends in siblings and knowing they will always be there for me.
I am so happy my husband is who he is. I think its safe to say I am fond of him. I know he is who he is today because of the love and example from his mother and father. For that I will always be grateful to them.
I am so thankful for the friends we have made here in Colorado. I was so nervous to move to a new place and fit in. The people here are beyond loving and kind. They truly make us feel at home.

I am so thankful to be a wife and mother.
I am grateful for my savior Jesus Christ and for the opportunity I have to live with my Heavenly Father again.