Well we have been here over a week now.
Over a week since these two were stuck in the car with us for 12 hours.
One week down.
I love our apartment. My favorite things...
The fact that it is so different than anything I have ever been around. I have never been in a place where you have to walk through the Lobby, up the elevator and down the hall to your house. I feel like I am in a movie. Cheesy right. Well I do. It is so nice though. All we have to do is walk down the hall to a lounge where we find a free coffee/hot chocolate machine. We delighted in some hot chocolate last night while it rained! Also the pool. The kids are such water babies that it is wonderful to have a nice big area for them to play in. Plus the gym, ah the gym:) Makes me so happy that all I have to do is walk across the street where I find a gym waiting for me. In this past week I have been six days!! Maybe I will be back to pre-baby weight some day soon. I love that it is so modern, nice and new. I love that you can't get into the building with out a keycard and you can't get to my door from the outside. I feel so much safer in apartments this way. I love that when you look out our front window there is construction. Yes, I am serious. Ty drags a stool over to the window and watches the tractors all day. He is so obsessed with tractors so he is always happy. We will miss the construction when the new buildings are done.

So what do I not like....I don't like that I can't walk out my door and walk to the park with the kids. Only in Utah right?! I don't like that I am terrified to drive anywhere. Um I never knew you could have to take three different freeways to get somewhere twenty minutes away. I don't like that I don't know my neighbors yet. I don't like that we still don't have a couch and that we have a huge bar and nowhere for a table. --I love family dinner around a table--
There is a lot to get used to and a lot to learn. I love how close it has already made Jayson and I. I didn't think I could love him anymore than I did but being hundreds of miles away from anyone you know can really strengthen a relationship. I love him more each day and I love my babies more than my heart can handle. Sometimes I have to pinch myself when I think about how lucky I am to have my life. I am so overwhelmed with love and can't express it enough.