Ty and I have been having a lot of fun making messes lately. He loves to help make dinner and getting his hands dirty. What boy doesn't? Most of the time I love his help. I think its darling. However sometimes I am in a hurry and just need to do it myself. So what could Ty do to get his hands dirty, have fun and stay out of my hair for a bit?? I wasn't sure.... So I searches through my Kid Activities pin board and found this.
She makes it so easy to follow along. There was only three ingredients and like four steps. It took maybe ten minutes to make and kept Ty busy for an hour straight. At first he didn't want to touch it but after a while he had no problem getting his hands dirty.
What I love about this project. Honestly it is so so cheap. Really flour, salt and some food coloring. If you don't have food coloring use coolaid.
She put the paint in squeeezy things like empty mustard or honey containers. I didn't have any on hand so I pulled out my large collection of baby food jars. They are so handy for so many things so I just hang on to them. Probably not as fun as squeezing it out of a container, but this way was easy to stick a paint brush or finger in.
If you don't have either squeezy containers or baby food jars just use small Tupperware.
Another thing I seriously love about this is you can make a big batch and after your done playing put it in the fridge. It doesn't take up much space and you can pull it out while your making dinner, showering or doing anything you would like an hour of peace for.
I noticed after it had been in the fridge a while the colors were brighter and the paint was thicker. I think Ty liked it better.
One last thing I love about this is that it is non toxic. I doubt Ty would try and eat it but if he did it is totally harmless.
Now we need to invite our cousins over and play some more.
Hope you have fun! If you try let me know. I would love to see your post with your littles enjoying this!!