Friday, November 30, 2012

ketchup anyone

Needless to say I have been slacking on the blog lately. Honestly though I have enjoyed every minute. I think its ok to go through highs and lows. The last few weeks of minimal posts have been spent enjoying the holiday season, even extra snuggles with my babies, late night baths, way more crafting, painting, dates with the hubby, trips to Logandale and more sleep.

I don't think anyone should ever apologize  for taking a blogging break. Rather just play a little catch up picture post. 

Here are a FEW things we have been enjoying.

We put our tree up and its so beautiful. Jayson and I got married in December and it was actually a wedding of the many from my sweet Grandma. If you ever have a friend getting married in December and don't know what to get them a tree is a way fun and surprising gift!!

 O black Friday!!! I hit up Walmart with Jayson. We got Ty a few things and us a few needed not wanted things. However the real fun is when I went into JoAnns. The receipt in the picture I spent 300dollars and saved over 900...WOOOWH... awesomeness... Most went to my sweet mother, but I splurged a little as well.

This is something I am so excited for I can't even stand it. I saw this post by one of my MOST favorite bloggy friends The little giggler and knew Ember needed one. What do you get a three month old anyway?? Everything she needs (diapers, binkies, clothes, blankets) she has or we buy her anyway, and three month old babies don't have any wants....So I thought it would be so fun to make her first doll. Something sentimental and homemade by mommy. I had so much fun making it. I hope she loves it and wants more....I named her Polly, and I think she will soon need some friends.

 We don't crank the heat in this house...I would say its not freezing but definitely chilly. It doesn't really bother me because I get to keep my kids in cute warm footie pjs in the house. Ember looked so cute in her pink fuzzie ones, and she looked just like one of her stuffed animals, I HAD to snap a little phone picture.

Ty is still potty training. I'm still not pushing it. When he wants to go on the toilet I let him!! He loves it and feels so proud of him self when he is done....SOOOO SOOOO CUTE!!! The only hard thing is when he is done he REALLY does NOT want to put his diaper back on. I have been told we may need to switch to pull-ups...Any thoughts??!

We also went down to Logandale a few days ago...and Uncle Justin and Aunt Missy have some baby goats Ty got to play with. Ty thrives when we go down to the farm. He rides the tractor with Papa Stan and goes on Rhino rides, feeds the animals, plays in the dirt and couldn't be happier. It seriously melts my heart because I though living farther way and him only going down every so often he would be hesitant and scared of the animals and tractors. But he jumps right in like he does it everyday!! Hope that sticks when we move to Colorado and only visit my parents a few times a year.

We also tried to snap a family picture over Thanksgiving. Any advice on how to get a toddler to take a picture?? hahaha good thing he is so dang cute....but seriously can't focus on the camera.

O well!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving picture

We had a very good Thanksgiving~
We spent this year at my parents  house. The weather was so warm. I almost felt like it was summer again.  I didn't take a lot of pictures of Thanksgiving dinner...Well I take that back, I didn't take ANY, WHAT was I thinking?? I am so sad. Most of the time was spent just visiting family, late night fires, crafts, food and lots of loves.
We tried to snap a little family picture. but they are mostly all really bad. Toddlers, well at least my toddler doesn't like holding still long enough. Also are the red pants a little much?? I was nervous to get them. They are super comfy, but I didn't know if I could pull them off....

Some are super cute
I know we haven't been married that long, but Jays still make me feel like a twitterpated high school girl. Most of the time I can't keep my hands off him. :)

I'm so thankful for all the time I was able to spend with family
For my handsome sweet hubby
Two DARLING kids
Our health
Warm bed
Food in my tummy
Roof over my head
all the love in my life
and I'm thankful that I know how to be happy.
and mostly for my testimony in Christ.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Tell ME Tuesday-LINK UP

Hey ALL!! 
I'm so glad you are here:)

Man, the last post I did was last weeks Tell me Tuesday.
There has been so much going on for me the last few weeks.

I have lots to post about...
including Embers THREE month BIRTHDAY!

all in good time.
It was nice to spend Thanksgiving with my family and not 
worry or think once about the blog!!

anyways here is my FAVORITES from last week
be sure to check out Tori's favorites 
ALSO if you want to guest host
e-mail me 
  If you were featured and would like a button
they are on the sidebar!!

Make sure to check out 

Lil Mrs. Tori
to see if you were featured there!

Link up here!

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Friday, November 23, 2012

3 months baby girl

Ember is stealing our heart more everyday.
She is such a wonderful baby. 
but....It's not only Jayson and I who love her to pieces but Ty too.
He is very protective of "beby". He usually wont let new people hold her. 
He loves to give her kisses and tries to play with her.
She is so smiley and playful.
Always sticking out her tongue. 
Starting to drool a bit.

She still likes to put herself to sleep in the bassinet
LOVES to be swaddled.
Can find and follow us with her eyes. 
Loves her swing and listening to music.

 We usually put her in footie pjs. For one we think they are the cutest thing in the world
and they keep her nice and warm. 
I always keep a bow in her hair. Most days it doesn't come off tell  bed time. 
I can't stop snuggling and giving her kisses. 
LOVE you BABY girl!!!     

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tell ME Tuesday-LINK UP

Hey all!!! Hope you had a GREAT WEEK!! 
I loved all the link ups and cant wait to share my favorites..

be sure to check out Tori's favorites 

ALSO if you want to guest host
e-mail me 

k is there much cuter than this pregnancy journey by
dear beautiful. I don't think so...

I would totally wear these 

LOVE this creative idea.
I will be making this!!!
I think this chair nails the AWESOMENESS! 
I NEED to make this for Ember!!
 If you were featured and would like a button
they are on the sidebar!!

Make sure to check out 
Lil Mrs. Tori

to see if you were featured there!


Link up here!

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Monday, November 19, 2012

MMM-link up

I have actually been doing really well this last two weeks. 
Exercising is becoming somewhat of a routine again.

Its freakin cold here so working out outside is almost impossible. 
I am so not the awesome runner who runs no matter what the weather is. 

...but my Jullian Michaels videos are getting a lot of use. 
 I am also working out with a friend who lives two doors down!! 
Makes it so much easier to work out when you have someone to motivate you.

On a plus side I am fitting back in my pre-pregnancy fat pants. 
about 10 more lbs. to shed and I should be back in my regular jeans. 
Ember is almost 3 months...I cant use the I just had a baby excuse much longer. 

I have also been drinking a lot of water and been cutting back on the diet coke!
My bloggy friend Whitney at
did a whole post on drinking enough water

go read it!! 

She made a huge list of the benifits of drinking water

1. Helps you lose weight
Drinking water reduces hunger, 
it’s an effective appetite suppressant so you’ll eat less
Plus, water has zero calorie

2. Natural Remedy for headaches
usually because your headaches 
are a sign of dehydration

3. Look younger with healthier skin
Water helps to replenish skin tissues, 
moisturizes skin and increases skin elasticity

4. Better Productivity
Your brain is mostly made up of water, 
so drinking water helps you think better, 
be more alert and more concentrated

5. Better Exercise
Drinking water regulates your body temperature
  which means you’ll feel more energetic when doing exercises
Water also helps to fuel your muscle

6. Helps is digestion 

7. Less Cramps and Sprains
Proper hydration helps keep your 
joints and muscles lubricated

8. Less Likely to get sick and feel healthy
Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu
and other ailments like kidney stones and heart attack
drinking water can improve your immune system

9. Relieves Fatigue

10. Flushes out toxins from your body

11. Good mood
Your body feels very good and
that’s why you feel happy

12. Reduces the risk of cancer

13. Reduces your risk of heart attack

14. Burns more fat and build more muscle

15. Regulates Ph balance

16. Nutrient transport
 Water helps in sending the nutrients from on
place of our body to another
  making a constant flow which helps our
body to function properly
17. Pregnant Women
At the time of pregnancy
the body's need of enough water is very important
to keep the nutrients flowing and keeping the
infections away

Try and think about water through out the day.
Remember your body needs it!! 

Go ahead and link up anything 
fitness and health related.
Follow your Hosts
and Amanda from

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tell ME Teesday /link up!!!

AAH! sorry Tell me Tuesday is up LATE!!!
Thanks for being here:)

I loved so many.
Below are my favorite...
be sure to check out Tori's HERE

ALSO if you want to guest host
e-mail me 


Chocolate Banana Bites
 glued to my crafts

Halloween costumes

If you were featured and would like a button
they are on the sidebar!!

Make sure to check out 
Lil Mrs. Tori
to see if you were featured there!

Link up here!

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Monday, November 12, 2012

whats up and a Winner winner;)

Mom came up to cedar to spend the day with Heather and me. We went to a quilt show....
AMAZING. I was dying over them...they are all so beautiful and so detailed they looked like paintings.

 My lovely mama and her favorite!!

Here are some of my FAVORITES!!!

 YES!! those were QUILTS!!!!

well I have been so dang busy working on some really cute stuff, stuff I'm dying to share...but half of it is Christmas presents for family... who all read my that will have to wait tell after the holidays.

We also just switched our netflix from the mail in movies to streaming...and I have discovered Pretty little Liars...yea its taking up a lot of my free time as well...I'm ashamed to say I just started watching last week and am half way through the first season!!

Ty is loving on all his Halloween candy.
Ember is loving her bath time more and more!!

We also have a winner for the 25$ gift card to eDiapercakes
Congrats to

Entry #42Briana R.
YAY girl. hope you have fun shopping!!