This is what we started with.
Cute, but not for a girl...
I wanted Em to have something cute and original...
and cheap.
My sweet mother did all the measurements..
We took it in the craft room and got to work..
Can you see how amazing her table is??
Makes projects like this one WAY EASIER!!
Took the material I got at last years black Friday sale.
I didn't know I was going to have a girl then or what I was
going to do with it...
But it sure came in handy that we had just enough!
We made it to be like a pillow case...
That way we didn't ruin the previous bumper.
Added the ties and sewed it together!
Next we needed a ruffle.
I knew the kids would be sharing a room so
I wanted to add a lot of the green in.
Measuring this was hard..
After sewing a running stitch at the top...
the tighter you pull the smaller it gets.
So we re-measured and re-measured a lot.
Then pinned and sewed it all together!
DO you want to see it all finished?????
well you can...