So this is how it happened.... In April we went to the Clark County Fair and had a blast! BUT when I took some of my cousins on the rides I noticed I was not doing so well and I have always been a champ on rides lol...So I figured I was just getting old..UNTIL I didn't have my regular visit from Aunie flow that month and I got to thinking.... o goodness I didn't have one in March either.... SO i told Jays ummm I think we may need to get a pregnancy test!!!! haha I knew I was in the back of my mind..but I needed to see that assurance and Jays did for sure... So we went down to good ol Wally Mart and bought a two pack test... Just our luck the first one never had anything show up on it... So we actually waited tell the next night to take the next one (don't ask why or how we waited that long) but the next night rolled around and sure enough...
ha Jayson's face was so priceless... !!! SOOO then we decided to make a doctors appointment to see just how far along I was. When we went in they did the babies heart beat... and at that moment it was so very real.. It was so amazing I was crying (happy tears). I'm sure if you have had a baby you know what I mean knowing is amazing but then hearing the little super sonic speed heart beat is breath taking! So the babies heart beat at that time was 160 beats a minute. The Dr. assured me that was normal and healthy!
Then they took us over to do an ultra sound to see how big the baby was
We were 10 Weeks 6 days! So basically 11 weeks along! The Dr. packed us up with all sorts of books and things to read and get ready for the baby!!! SOOO EXCITING!!!
I wanted to be cute like so many of you and track my tummy growth! This was my first tummy shot!
Then the time came to find out what we were having. I wanted to wait and have it be a surprise, but Jays wanted to know so bad he actually ended up talking me into wanting to know!! So 18 weeks came and we made our ultra sound appointment! I was so happy my mama, Lauren, Allie and heather came up to share it with me and Jays. Before you go in you are suppose to drink like 8 huge glasses of water 1 hour before your appointment. By the time we got there I was in so much pain it hurt to sit. My bladder was so full it was making my back ache.. ah it was sooo painful. Then we get in and the ultra sound lady was pushing the thing so hard into my stomach it almost brought tears to my eyes. BUT i knew it would all be worth it soon!
Such a cutie!
5 perfect little fingers!
SO by this point I am crying it is so amazing! Then the nurse asks if we wanted to know the gender. We were so excited it was just seconds away.. When she says who thought it was going to be a boy! I was like ME ME ME! I had no doubt our first baby was going to be a boy! I wanted a boy so bad! I was happy everyone was happy, but then I start to hear a cry... not happy tears either.. I look over and my sweet little 4 year old niece is crying... HARD.. she wanted it to be a girl so bad! I almost felt bad for a minute. Allie soon got over it and later asked me if we could still name him tinker bell.. haha o how i love that child! She still has some hope tho her mama, my sexy sister is ALSO HAVING A BABY!! just a few weeks behind me so maybe they will have another girl!!

haha so I dont know how to turn those so you can better read them but some clothes we couldn't live with out!